
Voters:  Keep Cockfighting a Felony

Voters: Keep Cockfighting a Felony

Sooner Survey: Volume 35 No. 1 ⎸March 29, 2023 | There are few issues that unite Oklahomans more than their belief that cockfighting should be illegal. Fully 87% say this practice should be illegal while only 8% oppose. Every major group has at least eight-in-ten wanting cockfighting illegal, including 87% of registered Republicans and 90% of registered Democrats. Additionally,

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Support for School Choice Continues to Increase

Support for School Choice Continues to Increase

Sooner Survey: Volume 34 No. 1 ⎸March 1, 2022 | Prior to the pandemic, and prior to the parent revolution over issues such as CRT and who is fundamentally in control of a child’s education, school choice had majority support in Oklahoma and strong support among Republicans. Now support for using tax dollars to send a child to a school setting that best serves them – including private or parochial schools ‒ is even stronger reaching 65% among all voters and 78% among Republicans. The impact of this issue on elections was realized at the polls in last year’s Virginia elections and Oklahoma seems poised to take the same approach in 2022.

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Oklahomans Strongly Support Death Penalty

Oklahomans Strongly Support Death Penalty

Sooner Survey: Volume 33 No. 8 ⎸October 27, 2021 | As Oklahoma restarts its practice of executing those duly convicted, we wanted to look and see where Oklahoma voters are in 2021. What we find is very strong support for the death penalty with almost three times as many supporting the practice (64%) as opposing it (23%). At the extremes, it is even more lopsided with 41% of Oklahomans strongly supporting the death penalty and only 13% strongly opposing. This support is very similar to what we saw the last time we looked at this issue in 2015 (68% Favor vs. 24% Oppose).

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Voters to Government: Stay out of Business Decisions re: Vaccines

Voters to Government: Stay out of Business Decisions re: Vaccines

Sooner Survey: Volume 33 No. 7 ⎸October 25, 2021 | In July, we released numbers (Sooner Survey Volume 33, No. 5) that revealed that most Oklahomans do not want government to interfere in the relationship between employers and employees when it comes to vaccine policies. Subsequently, the Biden administration issued an executive order and decision-makers have again been asked to pick sides. The reality is the vast majority of Oklahoma voters just want government to stay out of telling businesses how address their employees and vaccines – and that is even more true today than when we tested it in July.

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Oklahoma Voters Critical of Critical Race Theory

Oklahoma Voters Critical of Critical Race Theory

Sooner Survey: Volume 33 No. 6 ⎸August 20, 2021 ⎸Fully 82% of Oklahoma voters have some level of awareness of “Critical Race Theory, also known as CRT” and among that 82%, almost twice as many oppose (58%) it being taught in public schools than support it (30%).  Furthermore, when CRT is explained in a way used in a national study, only 19% of all Oklahomans think it should be taught in our elementary schools.

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Voters to State Government: Don’t Interfere with Businesses and Vaccines

Voters to State Government: Don’t Interfere with Businesses and Vaccines

Sooner Survey: Volume 33 No. 5 | August 3, 2021 | In an earlier Sooner Survey (Volume 33 No. 2 “The Partisan Virus”) we shared data about the extreme partisan nature of opinions regarding Covid-19.  This edition digs deeper and looks at the intersection of Covid-19 vaccination and the rights of businesses, employees, patients, and those interacting with state government. 

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